harp lessons with marie nivel

Harp Lessons for All Ages

The wonderful thing about the harp is, that there are hardly any limits whatsoever! I teach people from all ages and with any physical ability or condition. There is ALWAYS a way! Trust me. ☺ If you love the harp and want to learn how to play: Contact me here and we’ll make it happen!

I teach lever harp for beginner and intermediate level. Some of my specialties are accompaniment and improvisation. If you are a singer who wants to accompany himself on the harp, or you want to be able to play along with others, we might be a good match.

Many people hesitate to pursue harp lessons because they think a harp is too expensive/costly. Luckily there are affordable folk harps on the market. Please contact me for more info.

rainbow harps for harp lessons for kids

In the near future I want to offer group harp lessons in Oslo that run over a course of 2-3 months and include free use of a harpsicle during the course. I want to offer these group sessions in hospices and hospitals amongst other places.

Want to help me to make this happen?

Follow the link to my fundraising page: Coming Soon

Contact me to learn more about Harp Lessons